By: Cory Groshek
announcement announcements business compost pickup business compost pickup service commercial compost commercial compost pickup commercial compost pickup service compost compost drop-off compost drop-off service compost dropoff compost dropoff service compost pickup compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost news policy changes program changes residential compost drop-off residential compost drop-off service residential compost dropoff residential compost dropoff service residential compost pickup residential compost pickup service Small Business small business compost small business compost pickup small business compost pickup service update
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Greener Bay Compost is excited to announce that we have just launched a new Small Business Compost Pickup Service to complement our Residential Compost Pickup and Drop-Off Services and provide composting options to businesses that can be served with five gallon buckets and which generally have 50 or fewer employees.
If you have any questions or concerns about this new Service, or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us using any of the contact methods available at
Thank you, as always, for helping us make Green Bay a little greener every day!
By: Cory Groshek
announcement announcements compost compost drop-off compost drop-off service compost dropoff compost dropoff service compost pickup compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost news policy changes program changes residential compost drop-off residential compost drop-off service residential compost dropoff residential compost dropoff service residential compost pickup residential compost pickup service update
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Greener Bay Compost is excited to announce that we have just launched a new Residential Compost Drop-Off Service to complement our longstanding Residential Compost Pickup Service and provide composting options to members of our community who we were previously unable to serve, namely apartment-dwellers and individuals/families who may live just outside of our Residential Compost Pickup Service‘s service area.
If you have any questions or concerns about this new Service, or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us using any of the contact methods available at
Thank you, as always, for helping us make Green Bay a little greener every day!
By: Cory Groshek
announcement announcements compost compost pickup compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost news policy changes program changes residential compost pickup residential compost pickup service update
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Effective 8/1/2022, we will be discontinuing our Every-Other-Week, 6-Months-Paid-in-Full version of our Residential Compost Pickup Service and transitioning any subscriber who is on said plan, as of their next renewal date, to our Every-Other-Week, Month-to-Month plan, which is $15.00/month, and, as the name of the plan suggests, billed monthly.
We are making this transition for several reasons:
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause anyone. Rest assured, however, that other than our subscription periods being shorter, this transition will change nothing about the high quality of Service you receive from us.
Please note: This transition will, necessarily, result in the elimination of the 10% discount that was built into our 6-Months-Paid-in-Full plan pricing, being that that plan will no longer exist.
If you have any questions or concerns about this transition, or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us using any of the contact methods available at
Thank you, as always, for your support of us and our mission to make Green Bay a little greener every day! Words cannot express how much we appreciate you.
Until next time, best wishes and happy composting!
By: Cory Groshek
announcement announcements BioBag BioBag Community Hero Community Hero compost compost pickup compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost news residential compost pickup residential compost pickup service update
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Greener Bay Compost is proud to announce that we have been named BioBag‘s Community Hero for the month of July 2022!
To read the interview BioBag did with our Founder and CEO, Cory Groshek, on their blog as part of their monthly Community Heroes series, click here:
By: Cory Groshek
announcement announcements Community Hero compost compost pickup compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup Food Waste Prevention Food Waste Prevention Program GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay Green Bay City Green Bay Common Council Green Bay compost Green Bay Sustainability Commission Greener Bay Compost Mark Walter news residential compost pickup residential compost pickup service Sustainability Sustainability Commission update
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Greener Bay Compost was name-dropped during the City of Green Bay‘s April 19th, 2022 Common Council meeting by the Green Bay Sustainability Commission‘s Mark Walter as a potential partner for the City with regard to a proposed city-wide Food Waste Prevention Program.
This meeting may be viewed in full by clicking, or by watching the video embedded below:
If you would like to watch the part of the meeting where Mark Walter discusses the City’s Waste Reduction goals, you can do so on YouTube at 42 minutes into the video (with the segment running until 46:10 in) by clicking, or by watching the video embedded below:
If you’d like to skip ahead to the part where Mark Walter discusses Greener Bay Compost specifically, as well as some other potential partners, you can do so on YouTube at 45 minutes and 19 seconds into the video by clicking, or by watching the video embedded below: