By: Cory Groshek
announcement City of Green Bay compost compost pilot program composting Cory Cory Groshek food waste food waste pilot program GBCompost Green Bay Green Bay compost Green Bay Sustainability Commission Greener Bay Compost Groshek news organics organics pilot program public-private partnership Sustainability Sustainability Commission
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Greener Bay Compost founder Cory Groshek was proud to pitch to the City of Green Bay’s Sustainability Commission, during their 10/19/2022 meeting, a Compost Pilot Program to the City of Green Bay.
This meeting may be viewed in full by clicking, or by watching the video embedded below:
If you would like to cut directly to the part of the meeting where our founder is introduced, you can do so on YouTube at 1:41 into the video by clicking, or by watching the video embedded below: