By: Cory Groshek
compost compost pickup Compost Pickup day compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup Curbside Compost Pickup day curbside compost pickup service Curbside Compost Pickup time curbside pickup Fox 11 Fox 11 News Fox News Fox11 Fox11 News Gabriella Premus GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost Greener Bay Compost in the news Greener Bay Compost on Fox Greener Bay Compost on Fox 11 Greener Bay Compost on Fox 11 News Greener Bay Compost on Fox News Greener Bay Compost on the news
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Today, Greener Bay Compost was featured on Fox11 news, in a story by Gabriella Premus, which focused heavily on Greener Bay Compost’s first Annual Pumpkin Drive, which saw the company visit over 90 different households and save several tons of pumpkins, gourds, straw bales, and corn stalks from ending up in landfill. ENJOY!
Read the story on here: